Cloud Bass Alpha

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Daily Bark sixth edition

Mr Bungle the German Shepherd Dog has escaped from confinement after being imprisoned for both treat stealing and Kong rustling.

Last seen behind a specially constructed containment field it seems that Mr Bungle has absconded. The Daily Bark spoke to a man in a Stetson, wearing a plastic sheriff's badge and claiming to be the sheriff of Capel Ebenezer: “Well folks round here don't take too kindly to treat stealin’ and kong rustlin’. We had to build a special facility including a specially constructed containment field to tame this beast. It's gonna take a while to recover from this. We have no idea how he gone an dogone escaped.”

An expert says

Professor Boffin of Poxbridge University and expert in containment fields said: “Quite frankly, I am befuddled. I don't understand how anything can escape from such a containment field. This is designed to confine even the most super of villains. Mr Bungle must have had help from inside or there was a bungle in security and someone left the field open.”

Breakout or bungle?

The now open containment field with no sign of Mr Bungle.

The wanted poster seen in Capel Ebenezer riddled with bullet holes for no apparent reason pictures Mr Bungle safely ensconced behind the containment field.

Andrea of Capel Ebenezer was overhead saying “What is it this week? Psychedelic space cowboy? Solving mysteries? Oh right, so the dog is meant to be in prison is he? Behind the baby gate we had to get for him.”

Covering Mr Bungle's ears Carl immediately replied: “Don't say baby gate. He really doesn't like that. It's a Bungle containment field.”

“I’ll give you containment field. I could do with one of those for all your nonsense. Except one field wouldn't be big enough would it?” said Andrea.

Mr Bungle would only say: “Am good boy gib treats.”

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