Daily Bark fifth edition

After being dormant for many years Cloud Bass Alpha appears to have miraculously restarted itself. If proved true this could rewrite the laws of physics and mean the end of everything we thought we knew.

Professor Boffin of Poxbridge University and expert in multiverse theory said: “We have never seen such a thing before. This is like what came before the big bang and possibly even before that. It's completely mind blowing. If true we will have to completely rewrite all the laws of physics as we know them. Put it like this. If finding the Higgs boson is like a blind man, in a black room looking for a black cat that isn't there. Then Cloud Bass Alpha restarting itself is beyond the beyond. It's as if Schrodinger’s cat was never in the box in the first place.”

What is Cloud Bass Alpha?

The Daily Bark spoke to it's creator and astronaut Carl.

DB: “It has been suggested that Cloud Bass Alpha might well be a portal to another multiverse opening up the potential for multi dimensional travel in both time and space.”

CR: “Nah, it's my website. It's been offline for a while and I thought it high time to get it back together.”

DB: “A website of what?”

CR: “Well it's kinda like an online scrapbook of my creative life. It includes audio, both covers and originals, videos, and a complete history of my conducting and composing career. It's evolving all the time with new stuff being added on a daily basis. I also want to use it as a way of keeping in contact with friends. I have been giggling away to myself thinking of how certain friends would be laughing at the jokes and that's why I have done it really.”

DB: “Evolving you say. So we can expect that this is just the start?”

CR: “Er, yeah. It will take me a while. There is quite a lot of stuff to go through. I am going to start with a few choons then gradually add other sections as I rediscover all the elements of sound, video, and all the other schizzle I have to add to it. You’ll see them at the top of the website as menu items.”

Mr Bungle the German Shepherd Dog and head of security at CBA said: “Don't like cats. I bork. I chase.”

Mr Bungle in his office.

Andrea of Capel Ebenezer would only say: “What is it this week? Let me guess…you made a particle accelerator out of Jasper’s Lego? No, what is it then? I know what it isn't. It definitely isn't you growing up is it?”

Occult symbology or logo?

The Cloud Bass Alpha logo with the cloud, the bass, and the alpha. Symbology that has befuddled experts for literally seconds.

Have you been affected by the sudden restart of Cloud Bass Alpha?

If so leave a comment below or email us:


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Breaking: Snow plough driver fails to make it to work.

Breaking: Snow plough driver fails to make it to work.


Daily Bark sixth edition


Daily Bark fourth edition